讲座名称:Multimodal Private Signature: Balancing Privacy and Accountability in Digital Transactions
讲座人:杨国民 副教授
讲座地点:腾讯会议直播(ID:158 999 126)
杨国民博士是新加坡管理大学计算与信息系统学院副教授。他1999年进入复旦大学数学系学习,2000年获香港赛马会奖学金、进入香港城市大学学习。于2004、2006和2009年从香港城市大学分别获得计算机科学的学士、硕士和博士学位。2007年他从国际信息系统安全认证联盟获得(ISC)2信息安全奖学金。在2012年加入伍伦贡大学之前,他是新加坡国立大学淡马锡实验室的研究员。杨博士的研究兴趣包括应用密码学和网络安全,已经在许多国际知名的学术会议和期刊上发表论文100余篇,包括ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, CRYPTO, ASIACRYPT, INFOCOM等。目前他是国际知名期刊Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier)的编委成员,是IEEE高级会员。在2015年,他获得澳大利亚研究理事会DECRA奖,是ACISP 2018 -2022的副主席。
Digital signature (DS) is a fundamental security primitive for achieving integrity and non-repudiation in digital transactions. To protect the privacy of the signer, various privacy-preserving DS schemes have been introduced in the literature. Nonetheless, absolute privacy is not ideal in practice as it could be abused for illegal activities. We introduce Multimodal Private Signature (MPS) – a privacy-preserving signature system that offers a novel accountability feature: it allows a designated opening authority to learn some partial information of the signer’s identity, and the disclosed information can be determined by the transaction data being signed. Moreover, the (partial) identity disclosure to the authority is known in advance by the signer, meaning that the signer gives his/her consent. MPS balances the privacy and accountability needs and can be used in various privacy-preserving applications.